Last night, Tami and Laura came to my house with armloads of groceries and gifts. Tami brought the ingredients to make Chicken with Caramelized Onion and Cardamom Rice. Laura brought everything for one of her signature salads, and all I had to do was stock up on chardonnay and set out some cheese and crackers.
So, while Tami caramelized onions..
Seasoned the chicken with cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon, and braised the chicken thighs…
Seasoned the rice and let everything cook…
Laura supremed oranges and put together a tasty salad.
In between cooking steps, we drank wine and snacked on yummy things.
Oh, did I mention that Tami also brought dessert, homemade bread, and gifts from her kitchen: homemade pasta, peach chutney, and blackberry jam!
Thank you, my dear Foodie Friends. This will have to be our new holiday ritual! Next year, Tami’s house.
Bon appetit!
Yummmmm!! Jennifer, you had the best job of all! Happy holidays!!!
I do and I have the best of friends!