I never fail to be surprised when things don’t turn out in real life like they do in the movies. I had a ridiculously romantic idea of how this three day/two night train ride would be.
This is how I imagined the sleeper car would be:
This the reality:
I’m not complaining. Really. This is what I expected to see out the observation car:
And this is what we saw:
But guess what, we slept like babies, we had delicious meals with lovely and sometimes delightfully weird people, we got bounced around a lot but, to our credit, neither of us actually fell down!
And yes. We’d do it again. We have to. It’s our only way home.
Thanks for taking me along on your railroad adventure. I’ve done that several times but not for many years.
It’s actually quite an adventure. Really stepped outside out comfort zone this time!
Seems like the bate and switch scenery of a Viking River Cruise on the Rhine.
I LOVE Sharing the journey with you and…Richard! What fun….I too expected a bit of Agatha Christie-like 1930s glam….Ride On!
Hilary was so wonderful. It was fun for me to see her in her element! Plus she did our laundry!!!!!
We are laughing! You must write more comedy, Jen! Travel well and watch out for the Observation Deck at midnight…I heard weird things go “bump in the night”! (maybe that was Hump)
Don’t believe ANYthing Dick writes to you.
Tell the truth. Did you have a gruesome toilet in your private car, or were you cursed to caroom to a shared
stall? We took a “junior suite” and ended up with no blankets, no steward, and a toilet that came out of the swamp. Still, it was a delightful two day jaunt.
A wonderful porter named Corey was happy to help us out. He was especially appreciated when it came to pulling down the bunk bed at night. We had sheets and blankets and really hard mattresses, but nice pillows. We also had a shower/toilet in the room and it wasn’t exactly fun, but it was an adventure.