Saving the Scot is available for Pre-Order!

Saving the Scot is available for Pre-Order!

So glad to see that SAVING THE SCOT, book 4 of my Highlanders of Balforss series, is available for pre-order on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iTunes Books. As usual, the print and audio versions will be available soon after the official release date: March 25, 2019. You...
Book No. 2 Cover Reveal

Book No. 2 Cover Reveal

The folks at Entangled Publishing have come up with a great cover for my second Highlanders of Balforss novel, BETTING THE SCOT. Introducing Declan in all his kilted glory. Declan Sinclair is a Highlander who believes his dreams never lie. When he spots Caya at a...
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