Island Queen by Vanessa RIley

Island Queen by Vanessa RIley

I have enjoyed Vanessa Riley’s Regency romances for years—the Advertisements for Love series is my particular favorite—so I knew this book would be well-researched, richly detailed, and a thoroughly absorbing experience for readers. But because this was a story about...
Smashing Debut by Marry Kate Pembrooke

Smashing Debut by Marry Kate Pembrooke

Not the Kind of Earl you Marry. What a smashing debut novel! After reading hundreds of Regencies, I was delighted to discover this one with such a wonderful and unique set-up. The very eligible and handsome Earl of Norwood has successfully dodged every kind of trap...
Saving the Scot is available for Pre-Order!

Saving the Scot is available for Pre-Order!

So glad to see that SAVING THE SCOT, book 4 of my Highlanders of Balforss series, is available for pre-order on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iTunes Books. As usual, the print and audio versions will be available soon after the official release date: March 25, 2019. You...
Create a New Holiday Tradition

Create a New Holiday Tradition

Last night, Tami and Laura came to my house with armloads of groceries and gifts. Tami brought the ingredients to make Chicken with Caramelized Onion and Cardamom Rice. Laura brought everything for one of her signature salads, and all I had to do was stock up on...
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