*Coming Soon! Tour Wars: Romancing the Ruins Book 3*

I’m running out of superlatives for Carla Luna’s writing. It seems each novel bests the one that came before it. Now on her sixth novel, Ms Luna has reached a level of storytelling and writing style to match any best-selling contemporary romance author. I adored her first three, the Blackwood Cellar Series. But this new series, Romancing the Ruins, speaks to her personal experience as an archeologist. Without overwhelming readers with minute details or archeology-speak, she eases us into a world she knows well, shows us both the day-to-day drudge as well as the thrill of discovery. But that’s the backdrop. The real story is the love, the romance between the main characters, Stuart and Dusty, people we met in book one of the series. Both Stuart and Dusty are about to take two big leaps. One is a leap in their professional ambitions and the other is a leap of faith into the arms of the other. Is Dusty ready to catch Stuart and never let him fall? And Will Stuart set aside his burdens to welcome Dusty into his heart without reservation? Everyone knows, there can be no happily ever after without sacrifice. What are they willing to sacrifice for love? Whoo! I love this story. Five stars.

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